It’s 15 Nov and the end of week 3 in the new team. I’m very much liking working in the new team. What I don’t know is what I can say about said new team yet, partly because I technically haven’t started and partly as there is not much out there in the wild about said new team yet. Anyway said new team is in Cabinet Office, though it could be in many places.
I came to said new team because I could help, and I am and so is a dear friend who also is helping. I’m doing this 5 days a week, though there is still some OneTeamGov, UKGovCamp and other bits and bobs in there. This week over the lovely veggie wellington I was catching up on which I really hope to get to next year. In doing that catching up I liked a few things to read over. I really do need a better way of capturing all the things that might be helpful to read. If I’m going to be doing this every week then I’m going to be time boxing my ramblings to Friday on the journey home (more details I guess when I get a seat).
What have I learned this week.
- Friends in work are great to hug. I mean I knew this already but I find that it can take a long time sometimes to get to a point of sharing your personal space, but when you do it’s great. Seeing a friend you haven’t seen for a while and greeting simply with a hug is lovely.
- Change is not a thing, it’s an artificial container for a strange concoction of stuff and I’m beginning not to like the word used in a future context. I may get over myself again as I seemingly have with the word Citizen however when we look back at the past to reflect on change and changes in ourselves this seems to make more sense.
- I have changed a lot over the last year. I got to write up a draft reflections on what that looked like through the lense of the programme I was /am on mainly over the weekend. I have some feedback already which will help with the redrafting, including spelling and grammar from a good friend who will get a hug when me meet, they would have helped me with if this is an epilogue or a prequel, I guess in a way it’s both.
- Getting up at 4:30 to write is good fun, but in no way sustainable.
- This list of things I’d like to sort out around the house is growing not shrinking, getting the front door sorted with some sanding in between drafting was nice, but the lock is becoming an issue and I really need to put that cupboard back together.
- I feel able to ask daft questions in my new team, because my brain readily forgets what acronyms mean it’s good to get a reminder. I am resolving to always remain curious and eager.
- Everything starts with your own perspective. There is nothing wrong in that. That’s just the way it is, if you don’t know what you’re perspective is then you have work to do. I know what some of mine is, but it seems to be something that evolves and often stays just out reach. When I have finished my write up I’ll share it.