Weeknotes S01:E04
By Tuesday it felt like Friday so now it’s Friday it feels like Frunday. I didn’t stay up to watch the election, the result was the same when I woke up. I’m paid to be impartial, and I continue to want to be paid and to help in the reform of government, so onwards.
A quick rundown
The week started with facilitating with Hannah Sheehan who it turns out has also facilitated with Janet Hughes Who it turns out in a further twist that over in Defra a very similar conversation was being had, yes we were all getting ready for a new government of what ever type using very similar scenarios.
Some drafting I did on the train did not save, I attached a picture. In short then as I walk home
Missed the UKGovcamp organiser get together.
Tuesday team session and evening meal. We discovered our team song at Karaoke.
Wednesday, Eloise’s play – all kinds of snotty addoribleness. Went in, Threw some words at a page for a letter – Sarah worked her craft
Thursday, old team reflection, yoga and meal. Hard, lovely but hard.
Friday lunch with James Arthur Cattell who made me a tea very kindly as I was engrossed throwing more words, this time into an email. Good team session talking about election result and what it means for us, which I’m pleased to say is all positive.