Monday I felt like it was a tough start.
Tuesday I embraced things flowing all over the place.
Wednesday I was focused and forgetful.
Thursday I was like a duck on a pond.
Friday I began picking up the pieces.
Oh Defra oh Defra why do we use Microsoft.
Oh Defra oh Defra Microsoft Whiteboard is a pile of poo.
Monday there were few meetings and little drive.
Tuesday there were too many meetings and messages.
Wednesday there were messages being left unread.
Thursday there was much facilitating and listening.
Friday there were notes to write up.
Oh Defra oh Defra why do we use Microsoft.
Oh Defra oh Defra Microsoft Whiteboard is a pile of poo.
Monday we planed in OrgDynamics.
Tuesday we put the afterburners on FFCP Showcase.
Wednesday we prepared absolutely absorbed in the Business Case.
Thursday we discussed and considered.
Friday we got excited about FFCP Lightning Talks.
Oh Defra oh Defra why do we use Microsoft.
Oh Defra oh Defra Microsoft Whiteboard is a pile of poo.