Weeknotes 29 September

4 min readOct 1, 2021


It’s Wednesday as I start to type. I’ve been feeling very much blurrg over the last few weeks. In this moment I’m not — I’m suddenly all over everything thinking I should be fixing that pipe under the sink that I didn't last weekend typing emails, leaving messages getting ducks in a row etc etc — It’s very hard for me to hold onto my mouth, it’s easier if I just don't speak. I presume this has come about as I feel like of done the things that were most on my mind. Also I had a ginger beer and left over homemade pixza (what’s pixza — that’s another story… it isn’t but I made a typo and as I do I quite like it, it is roughly how Eloise say’s Pizza). But this energy is probably not going to last. Uwais just called and I was not quite as professional as usual — not in a bad way, though it was close. I’m writing this now berceuse I need to check myself to remind me to get some fresh air and calm down. Back soon.

It’s Friday now, I’m glad I wrote that, I took the dogs for a walk. I’ve just finished doing another version of the SLT Awayday running order. I’m enjoying working with Amy on it.

On Monday Carla came and did a fantastic talk about Neurodiversity, for the start of inclusion week it really chimed. I did the summing up things in Slido and Chat, and muting people. I didn't get the recoding setting right so left that to Jimmy the next day. It’s an odd thing both listen and then summing up, it’s not something I feel I’m good at, so it was appreciated that I could give it a go.

On Tuesday for National Inclusion week I ran a privilege walk and reimaged privilege walk exercise. It was weighing on my mind more than anything recently as I wanted to get it as write as I could. I got a message today about how it could be improved from Lorna, so set up a meeting to discuss which will be helpful. Also on Tuesday we had a really productive Organisation Dynamics session and we came up with a diagrammed about how we work that was really useful and were share in our next show and tell. We unfortunately couldn't make our Show and Tell happen this week, which was a shame as we been going over the last year and summarising things. But it was also lucky as I needed to pic-up Eloise as the traffic was bad… few

On Thursday we met up for our team away day. I think I’d call it the Service Team, though actually it’s made up of many parts and one part of the team is called the Service Team. I didn’t raise this conundrum, I didn’t facilitate it was rather nice not for a change and just being in a space with other adults. I was quite nervous before hand I think most if not everyone was but we slowly shook that off as we came together as a group. It was a great session, though not everyone could make it in person. Still learning how to do this hybrid working.

Part of the session was about us thinking what we’re are going to be doing over the next 6 months in our part of the wider team, which was helpful. Lots to do before Christmas but I can feel my role changing. This is what we captured. It doesn’t include the EDI elements that Beja worked on separately.

Postits with writing like: coming together, improving, listening, rythums, change, ways of workin

As I was out on Thursday it meant that Friday became mainly about catching up, I had a lovely chat with Karen and then Mirren. I sent out the internal FFCP Showcase diary appointment — it’s on the 18th October 18:00–19:00 hopefully were be sending out the public invite early next week.

On Wednesday evening we had a UKGovCamp organisers meet-up. It felt really quite lovely and also efficient. We raised our hands in person as we all had our screens on, it worked really well. We laughed as ever and made plans and lots of google docs but those will all hold till after UKGovCamp North.

There was something else I was going to mention — I’ve suddenly forgot it, or have mentioned it already. Just incase the Civil Service People Survey is live — so do that if you can :)

Memory Jar

Working Monday morning in my pyjama bottoms, as I got wet on the way to school. First time for everything. Today I’m even wearing my shoes as well as clothes — to break the shoes back in.




Written by DavidBuck

Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea

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