Weeknotes 26th of June
I seem to be doing notes in the evening again.
Picture by Paul Wyse – you can see is exhibition on Twitter Thank you Paul. @Wiggazzz
Parenting fail today, I forgot to go to school to collect Eloise’s school report. I had forgotten until Granny (my Mum) asked how did Eloise do.
So you could say I am getting more and more absorbed into work. I still don’t see it as work, I still don’t know what to call it.
Work – so as far as I see it, it’s not something you necessarily get paid for, or that you could pay someone else to do. It is not necessarily something that you enjoy doing or love or find hard or hate. It is not something that happens between and particular hours of the day or night and it is something that can happen in your sleep. It’s not something which only humans do. It is something, nothing and everything of those things simultaneously. I would love to know what the word is that is just out of my reach.
I keep being baffled by our socially distanced world. I tried to open the door at the Dr’s as I was dropping in repeat prescriptions – to be told just to post it through the letterbox. I don’t think we’re at a new normal yet, I still am very slow at getting us online – there were lots of forms and hoops. Ive not done that submission yet either.
I did manage to get a calendar appointment out for a workshop Thursday week for the Champions Network which was great. It made me gulp though that’s the 2nd July… mild panic sets in that its nearly July.
Emails on top of both inboxes. Trello not, and adding to my Postits – soon I think I’ll be using the window. I also stopped chasing the dream this morning of using a new tool/service and made sure nothing was in it that I shouldn’t leave unseen too. Its a shame, it works lovely, I will find a side project and use it there ;)
I have the school report. Few.
I’m not sure, quite what is happening, there are so many things floating around at such speed some things landing where I didn't expect them too, some things feel like they bounced, everyone is mucking in and making things happen. I emailed the Transformation Champions (the email I sent had about 3 people work on it so we could get it out of the door before 5pm).
I may also have dropped a ball somewhere along the line — I’m sure I have. Still I’m on top of the inbox and any questions or calls with Transformation Champions and right now that is about all that counts. Honestly I think I forgot how hard it is starting a community… still love the feeling, knowing that achievement will come at a latter date, I don’t know what it will look or feel like this time but I know when I get there I will know.
Anyway bed beacons. Tomorrow we water the garden.
Rest of the week
I crashed, Wednesday, migraine again. And couldn’t look at the screen, laid down to stop the queasiness, had supper, lay down, got up went to bed.
Which is a bit of a shame because it was on reflection quite a hilarious day. So here is a blow by blow (given it’s Friday) of what happened. It all revolves around the Champions Network workshop. I was fully prepared, Hannah and Karen had reformed the agenda and got everything looking ace, I had all the mechanical ducks in a row, browser paired back to minimum, music selected, everything in one document.
I sat down 15mins before the call. Now if I was still in Defra on my old kit that would have been impossible, it used to take about 20mins to start. But with the Cabinet Office mac that’s loads of time. Glass of water to hand, empty bladder, very empty others thing too.
Opened up laptop – check for any very urgent email, nope, get sidetracked for 1min pull myself together, start the runway…. Oh what’s this colourful spinning wheel, how delightful so many colours – hang on where is zoom, four finger push – nope nothing, oh crap everything has frozen I can’t go forwards or backwards. Right restart machine (still some time, can definitely do this).
Message from Hannah Sheehan are you hosting?
Everything ok (this is roughly the message)
Yes (true answer no, I’m now in the middle of restart number 2 as everything froze again and I’ve reached out to James Arthur Cattell and another colleague, but I don’t want to panic you, let’s not panic….. don’t panic)
James is free to kick things off – great 3mins later than planed but a minor glitch.
I start a complete shutdown, drink more water in a vain hope that luck is connected with my bladder, or just that I miss offices that feel cooler and transport with air con.
Oh look it’s not nighttime in the desert anymore.
Right I’m back, I’m in – well nearly
James can cover the hour if needs be – great
Right made it, monitor on, look calm David look calm, smile.
Copy and paste questions from document – good, link to special google doc, good right all set
Yes 10 people per breakout room please James
Right breakouts start, people on phone and with technical issues in main room, attempt to start breakout…. Hello… Hello… nope this really isn’t a wise move still I have the….. oh poor internet connection….. oh I’ve left
And so the story goes on, I must have bounced in and out 4 times – even James internet went at one point. I was the host for about 2mins before I dropped out.
Still, all told for everyone else other than the hosts it was a good session, even better than last week. Oh oh, pressure builds.