This week the dogs got their haircut, properly, for the first time in 8 months, they look much better. On Thursday I opened the door in the morning to find a cat poo on the doormat. It was removed before it got stepped in but I ask you… what is the point in having dogs?
As a team we have quite a lot on at the moment. Some times I’m enthused by that sometimes not but this morning having woken up in the middle of the night I put more thinking and thus comments into a draft document which hopefully will do a process we call write round next week.
Some words just are not me — I feel like they are to political (with a big P) one of those is Citizens, I don't know if I have ranted about why before but I’m not in the mood to again.
We had a great session today on the initial findings from the call for views — you remember that thing that took up quite a bit of time in July, June and August I’m quite looking forward to other people seeing the findings and seeing what they think. It a start not an end, actually it’s not even that it’s a middle and a middle — I think this is a rabbit hole.
I went to a great session last night hosted by CoCreative lead by Lawrence We had short breakout groups the initial question was ‘who are your people’ from a comment my partner made (we did the work in pairs) I wonder — why does my middle classness play so heavily on me — this feels like something to explore. CoCreative will be posting a video of the webinar.
I chatted to lots of lovely people about all sorts of things this week, mainly reform but not always and I hope that some of these chats will florishish into many more — but we will just have to weight and see. I also got to have a chat with other Reform Champions with my Minister which was great. First time in ,I think, 16 years since I have had a formal chat with a Minister the last time it was about sports finance which is the bit of policy in DCMS that I was looking after. Also the first time to have a formal chat with a Lord — same person, still great to do once in a while.
I do feel though like more is going on than I can quite put my finger on, it could be that my Dad hasn’t been well this week (he is on the mend it is not Covid) it could be the state of everything or it could just well be that winter is coming and my mood is naturally lower. People have asked me if I’m ok or well and I have said that I am but this doesn't feel like the whole truth but it also is the whole truth.
Still October sees the return of Star Trek Discovery and that is something to look forward too. When I heard:
Service, Sacrifice, Compassion, Love
while rewatching season 2 in preparation for season 3 I really liked them. Service, Sacrifice, Compassion, Love are the qualities Captain Pike aims for and meets. I don’t think I had heard them the first time around when he was clutching for the time crystal or if I did I don't think they had as much impact. I think they would make for great qualities to aspire to in real life not just fiction… more things to ponder.