Bit of an odd week. It’s really odd what both puts the wind in my sales and takes it out. I have noticed both. When people get treated like numbers than that really hurts, it personally offends and it makes it hard for me to comprehend why. On each occasion it happened this week I noticed that I slumped. That said in the last chat of today I noticed also how important it is to get the numbers right — and the bigger your team is the harder it is to do that. I work in what I would call a small team (we could comfortably fit in one room) I think we are about 24 people — but who knows.
That said I also love data and my logging in each day and then doing the weekly report on how many responses we have had to the call for views (see link in picture text above) makes me then treat people as numbers again.
Lots of progress this week in the team on all sorts of things. We thinking about our next publication in October and this is going to absorb more and more time. That said the most mind numbing time this week was spent adding people as contacts to the slimmed down version of MS Teams that I have kindly been given — only to find that I now have no clue how to get all circa 250 people into a group chat… I will crack it and I will also get all the other people another circa 200 in to the chat who are all in different organisations and even the Cabinet Office — still I think in the long run it will be worth it. In the process of doing that though I completely missed that I had a meeting, I had remembered my next was at 2pm and it was actually 1:30pm which is very frustrating and definitely not something I like to do so I’ll go back to writing them on a postit at the beginning of the day so I don’t miss one.
My chat with X this week was ok. I was as high as a kite (just because I get excited about things sometimes, this is definitely something I notice) and X was a little under the weather but we had a productive chat interspersed by the power being disconnected while our smart meter was installed (I do hope this doesn't mean I will be having less cups of tea). I put pastoral things on the list of things to discuss, which was good as I realised that is what I was missing.
Having noticed last week how quickly I was getting sucked in to working all hours I stepped back a smidge and am having this Friday not in front of the laptop. Hence weeknotes today. I will be doing some reading but the main goal is to buy lots of rice (at least 25kg).