It has been a heavy week.
It has also been an uplifting and affirming week.
The heaviness hangs like an mist on a lake coming in waves sometimes in a pattern sometimes not. Something has stirred and the water is uneven again. The mist is stirred. I bob in and out of the mist. I am the mist. I am the water the ripples are mine. I am on the lake. In time the sun will part the mist. glimmers of light are seen through it already. Lovely conversations deep in absorption bring rays of thought and light which when finished leave holes to the sun. It’s a light mist by now as action and planning creates a wind of release. As I make my way to the shore for the weekend and head out to the hills I’m ready for a pocket of cloud when quite spaces occur. I will notice the cloud but let it pass unburdened with any further reflection time will come for that next week when I head back to the lake, casually throwing in stones from the shore stirring the water again.
Some things that I can’t left unsaid
I went to the Centre for Public Impact — Human learning systems Webinar on Thursday — I also had a lovely Chat with Matt and went to the Civil Service Live session — Think Inclusion. I also went to my usual chat with friends in the evening — it was a day of many lovely things even more than those lovely things. Other high points of the week were the training from Ambitious about Autism agreement to read more about culture as we plan for the next phase of the Organisation Dynamics Work. I had many other lovely chats and lots progression on things like Level 0 plans this week.
Some links that I can’t left unshared
Human Learning Systems
Caitlin Moran on Fighting the Cowardice of Cynicism — Brain Pickings
Lankelly Chase
About our guide to discovery — Defra digital (
Accessing the Civil Service Jobs vX system — GOV.UK (
National Inclusion Week — Inclusive Employers Inclusion and Diversity