Weeknotes 18 Feb

2 min readFeb 18, 2022


Actual notes about an actual week, not bi-weeknotes which feels good. There are some unread emails but nothing that I don’t think cant weight (that feels all backwards) till Monday.

When do you own a thing — is a question that is pondering in my head as I come to type these notes. For lots of reasons and I don't think owning is the right term, but I sent I rather tert (oh, is that not a word) email to a group of people (I honestly don’t know who they all are or why they are on the chain) to see where we are with purchasing something, that we have been looking to purchase since summer last year to find out what’s happening. I fear that I need to own the need more, I really prefer being given space and so I tend to do that for others. I few months ago I created something for the Senior Leadership Team — I held the pen and made sure it was done, but it turns out this week when someone separate asked me if such a thing existed and what shall we do to communicate it. I have seen some people using it, but I’m wondering if I have not owned it’s distribution on purpose, maybe I felt it would take a different rout and it hasn't or indeed it has and I have forgotten… if only I would update Trello more I hear myself cry. And then on the them of ownership Catherine who invited Nour and I into her space to help with an unconference said ‘we are in your hands’ in a meeting and that was such a lovely approach it took me aback as in these sort of situations I tend to have to weave around prexisting agendas and so I’ve got used to leading from the back.

I was quite glum after hearing that Amanda is leaving the Civil Service.

Before that I had a lovely chat with Stefan, about all sorts of things and it was very nice, it felt odd going to a meeting in a room for the 1st time also on Wednesday… I’m not sure why but it did. And I must remember to bring my laptop headphones next time — though doing meetings via phone wasn't to bad I’ve been getting used to doing that this week as it’s half term and are internet is struggling a bit.

In one meeting this week I had a thought (I won't explain the meeting but the thought instead). Does holding up celebrates and/or ‘people who have done so much’ help in any cause? I wondered should we not just be celebrating the mildly average.




Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea