Weeknotes: 15 May 2020

4 min readMay 15, 2020

Ah feels so go to be back.

I got to use this OneTeamGov Picture in a slide pack (big smile) https://www.flickr.com/photos/oneteamgov/

Ok so for the keen eyed amongst you, you may have notice that there are some weeknotes missing, that I’m no longer talking in seasons. There are reasons but not worth me bring up here.

What is important is that I was starting to create my own mental block about not doing weeknotes after I needed to stop for a bit because our team was working on sensitive stuff. The sort of stuff where people can freak out over a word — not like fuck or shit or anything like that, just some random word, not even a code word for a secret project related to some bird…. opps this is going somewhere I didn’t mean it too.

So these weeknotes are for now at least going to be my reflections about my work, still notes for me, that I care to share, and for now at least will not contain links to things I’m reading or links to other people, where I would normally credit people who have put good thoughts into my head. I’m not evening going to tweet when their done — still who is up at this ridiculous hour on a Friday.

In work I’m almost 0% working on Project 0, I’ll be glad when I’m away from Project 0. I’m much more working on Project 1 and soon I hope I can say what Project 1 is — it has many stands. Last week I was thinking I was going to be doing as much as I could everywhere in it, but the team has grown and will again next week so I’m getting to concentrate on the things I do best, rather than on the things that must be done.

I’m working odd hours at the moment, while Eloise is still out of school, I seem to be relaxing into the role of teacher more and doing more of what I enjoy than what we need to do — we have a great map of Australia coming along — hopefully the finishing touches will be put to it tomorrow — yup that’s right School doesn’t close on the weekend in our house — but we get to slouch in front of the TV eating together — sometimes watch three different things at the same time but togehter.

At the OneTeamGov — can I talk about it (not sure — oh god dam l make my life so complicated) any way at the OneTeamGov UK Online chat on Wednesday am session our group coverd a number of topics and the one that stuck with me was about what I’m grateful for.

I said I’m grateful for my parents instilling a protestant work ethic in me, and for finding the ability to relax. As I alluded to earlier It’s quite late on Friday — that’s because I was just getting something done, but getting it done now means I’ll be able to relax at the weekend. It’s the second time this week. I’m loving Project 1…. can you tell. I made a promise to myself not to have two late nights in a row, or indeed too many in a week - in that way madness lies (been there done that thank you). I also agreed a mini break with my line manager which really helped. I think I missed not having a longer easter break.

My odd work schedule means I can keep on top on my emails, which I love, as I come to them when I’m ready rather than feel I’m been flooded. I have a working phone and keep giving instructions to be called if it’s urgent, but people are very good about my time in th team and for that I’m grateful.

I keep thinking about an ex close colleague of mine, who moved to Kings NHS Trust. Particularly on a Thursday at 8pm when the street erupts with noise, car horns were added to the mix this week, and our dogs go berserk. I’m clapping for one person, who has shown me so many things, things I keep passing onto other people. Thank you. We will get to that coffee at some point.

The one thing I find hard about the lockdown, is I can’t just do things to make a difference, like you can in a office — I’m pretty sure that Wellbeing Pull up from the Charity for Civil Servants with the dog on it will still be up in 2MS when I go back / pop in to check for post. Still I’m slowly finding other ways to do those sorts of things.

I’m going to stop rambling, there is lots to say. These are strange times, I’m so privileged — I feel a listicle coming on at some point about that.

Take care of yourself, look after your family, listen out for your friends and learn from your community.




Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea