I should have mentioned this last week, though maybe it’s obvious but I’ve given up on code names for things. This maybe unhelpful but frankly I think I’m confused by what I can say and what I can’t say to whom about what and when. So if I’m not sure I’m not and if I’m almost sure I am.
Right so on to all things this week. Well it’s warmed up I’d say almost everybody is back at work and there is a familiar hum about the place, even though working from home. And those two things combined mean that the Defra IT infrastructure is creaking under the load.
The week started with a clutch of planning meetings which put a decided spring of determination in my step. I enjoyed rocking out to the Service Team playlist as I got through things.
Three days out of five I managed to go for a walk at Lunch which were all lovely. Something that I hope to continue and increase, though with the return of School the familiar morning is routine and drop offs is providing some movement.
On one occasion in the week I was tired of sitting in the chair so in a short break took to running round the house to get moving again and get my energy back up. It did the world of good.
On Monday I attended the senior leadership team (SLT) meeting to talk through the people survey results, and see what was on their minds, when they have had discussions in their teams we will think about what we should tackle at a programme level. I also met with SLT on Thursday afternoon to facilitate their awayday. In our check we started with the questions How has your morning been? Is there anything you would like to share with the Group?
On Friday I had three lovely chats though I could have managed my dairy better but I’m glad I had them all. They reminded me of teams and times past in different ways, and provided a contented feeling for lunch which I foolishly dissipated by scraping a proverbial itch before stopping. I will one day learn.
On Together Day we are at the requisition stage of the process.
Also this week there has been prep for UKGovCamp and as ever the more you put in the more you get out. I love how our organising team works. As ever though it’s a juggle, but I’m very much looking forward to next week and seeing how it pans out.