Weeknotes 12 March

This week

4 min readMar 12, 2021

As I sit hear at about 10:30am starting to write my weeknotes all I can hear is the ticking of the clock, the occasional tumble of the load of washing and a voice from outs side — oh there goes Buddy. My fingers clack on the keyboard, I sip at my fresh brew of tea to think, all that is left is the sound of the ticking clock.

Last week my weeknotes were rushed and interrupted, I wasn’t in a sedentary thinkie type mood and nor was Eloise. At least now Eloise is back at school I only have to contend with my brains ability to get distracted. And it very much can do that, and this can be useful and liberating but I have found in me the ability to concentrate to do a task. Sometimes as I have mentioned before I can get very absorbed in that and exactly that happened on Monday after dropping Eloise of at school I attempted to log in but was having issues so I turned away from the computer and went to the whiteboard. The fist thing I did was copy out from the pice of paper the thinking I’ve been doing about a strategy for what I’m doing.

I then I rubbed it out and wrote it out, scribbled on it changed some bits and rubbed some out. As a first iteration I’m least comfortable with the why and most comfortable with the what.

Before I carried on I just had a look at Monday to see what meetings I had and how many things on the task board I’ll get through. Next week I’ll be moving it into Trello so I can share it with our new project manger Fiona who is lovely.

On Wednesday we had our first Programme Wellbeing Day. Becky, Beth set the day off really well and Janet and Lynne were just wonderful when talking about ‘Wellbeing and me’ the feedback has been really positive. Someone said ‘it’s the best day they had ever spent at work’. When the highly predictable headache came the next day I took a different tack to lots of paracetamol and water and instead had chocolate and two strong (decaf) coffees in the afternoon. I slept like a log as usual, though with my eye mask on and iPod as I had earache.

The day after the organising team came back to reflect. We had also been asked to craft some lines for the Minister so we prioritised that — and using the feedback we had put this together.

FFCP held its first ever Wellbeing Day on Wednesday 10th March, with the aim of providing a safe and open place for colleagues to connect, reflect and rejuvenate. People were able to enjoy a variety of different sessions, which included sharing their own personal experiences and taking part in physical activities, all focussed around well-being. The day was well-received and we are already planning our second well-being day!

The organising team are meeting next week to discuss what next, we are all up for doing it again. Though I am really keen now to do an in person event, this is becoming an itch that I’m finding it hard not to scratch. I found this whilst musing on it at one point.

The big question is really when should I be thinking about an Programme Together Day. There are lots of balances and measures — but I don't think I mind when I think though that I would like to get in in dairies — even if it’s next year as soon as possible.

I feel that if were going to bring everyone together that we need to either do it on one day or plan for a two day with teams meeting up and then the whole programme. For me I’d be very keen to hold the whole programme day as 25/10 stated unconference with an intro from Janet and Lynne. I think there would need to be a long lunch break and lots of spaces for people to be alone for a bit as well as enough time for people to get home, or at least on their way (we are very geographical dispersed).

Maybe it would be lovely if there was the opportunity to plant trees or help lay a hedge at lunch, but something which is constructive — not just for show, something that embodies who we are and what we care about — maybe were on a Farm or a Nature Reserve. I think I need to copy this into an email — one sec…

I put it an email and then threw most of it away.

This week I also came across this CIPD Discussion report — which was really helpful and I think I’ll be referring to again, I think I’ll need to rub out the whiteboard and start again.

Had lots of lovely chats with lovely people. It was especially nice to catch-up with Gurpreet Sehmi it had been 3 years or there abouts since we last chatted.

Memory Jar

Planting a row of Pack Choi seeds in a break on Tuesday, before the rain came. The 1st Programme Wellbeing Day. Fist bumping Eloise as she went into class on Wednesday.




Written by DavidBuck

Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea

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