Weeknotes 12 Feb

This week

3 min readFeb 12, 2021

Monday was the Future Farming and Countryside Programme Senior Leadership Team session. Using Miro for the Postcards from the future worked as did the Manual of Me session in which many people used the individual google docs and some people sent over their response too me on email. I know people more now, I also feel such admiration for what they all do and how they do it. They seem committed to come together as one team built on trust. Though on the surface this would seem highly possible it’s also highly complex. I was musing today and mentioned it on a call how we almost need some people to know how highly complex it is, but not so many that it holds us back in this case from coming together and actually building the team but this seems to apply throughout the programme. I guess it applies to anything and simplicity will always giveaway to complexity and todays complexity will be tomorrows simplicity.

With April approaching Debbie has remined me to think about my strategy. I’ve been thinking about it, I have indeed written some of it into my weeknotes. Though I put more time to think about it today and put pen to paper — I don't have a neat model or succinct words but so far everything seems to be pivoting around belonging but more than that inclusive belonging through connection. I also worked out who my primary clients are. So I need to get this down and draw up an contracting email — and send that to Debbie for review.

I was digging around the People Survey Tool again for some stats for Mirren and the new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team. It would really help if I could have access to the raw data… I will go away and ask (again).

On Thursday I attended a session on ‘Making things as clear and simple as possible for farmers’ which is one of the things we said we would do in the agricultural transition plan. Things to make simple: Words, Services, The whole landscape, Policy, Processes, Find-a-blity, Bills, Helpline, Gov.uk, other standards….. oh my, with the final note in my book that we need to get it right or we may end up with even more intensive farming.

I think I’m all ready for Monday and the People Survey slot with the Senior Management Group. We also got a bit further with the Wellbeing Day organising for the 10th March. And I had lovely chats with people via teams/zoom and google docs. I keep thinking about what it will be like when we come back together and my overriding feeling at the moment is overwhelming. Baby steps.

I’ve come to that point in my notebook where I have posits reminding me to catch-up with people, so I’ll be sending some how are you emails next week.

I have an innate desire to trial some different things next week. Not sure what. Feels like fun, could just be drinking more water — who knows.

Memory Jar

Walks with Eloise in the cold and snow on sunny days. Oh and the dogs.




Working from Defra in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, OneTeamGov and UKGovCamp. Government romantic and lover of tea